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Dark-eyed Junco (female slate-colored) in the snow

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 8 February 2011 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

Indianapolis, Indiana
Eagle Creek Park, 1/30/11

There are six populations of the Dark-eyed Junco (junco hyemalis). You can see the color difference between the head and body on this slate-colored female. In males the head and body plumage is the same color. Dark-eyed Juncos are sparrows. They can be seen in flocks in winter in woodlands, fields and at feeders across most of the US.


Canon EOS 5D Mark II 1/1600 second F/5.6 ISO 200 420 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

What a lovely little fella, great shot

8 Feb 2011 6:34am

@Alun: Thank you Alun.

Dexter Chee from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Beautiful small bird.

8 Feb 2011 6:34am

@Dexter Chee: They are favorites of mine. Thank you Dexter.

Dornbrau from Colorado Springs, United States

Do these birds work for you?
Amazing shot, as usual.

8 Feb 2011 7:29am

@Dornbrau: They work for food! Thank you for the comment.

Nazzareno from Rome, Italy

Beauty and poetry for this beautiful composition...

8 Feb 2011 7:33am

@Nazzareno: What a nice description. Thank you.

Phil David Morris from Saskatoon, Canada

Such a beautiful bird and the snow transforms into a cloud for the birds background.

8 Feb 2011 8:15am

@Phil David Morris: It does look like a cloud-I like that! Thank you Phil.

Plichard Mickaël from Toulouse, France

Nice shot

8 Feb 2011 8:25am

@Plichard Mickaël: Thank you Plichard.

Sarito from Basingstoke, United Kingdom

Lovely shot.. snow forms a beautiful backdrop here

8 Feb 2011 8:44am

@Sarito: They must like the snow because they winter here. Thanks for your comment.

CElliottUK from Reading, United Kingdom

Another 110% shot

8 Feb 2011 11:44am

@CElliottUK: As are your comments. Thanks Chris!

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

Oh, cold feet! Great shot, simple and clean.

8 Feb 2011 2:53pm

@B. Thomas: Thank you Barbara. Juncos look really good in the snow.

Curly from South Shields, United Kingdom

What a delightful shot Julies, particularly as the camera would have wanted to under expose the bird!

8 Feb 2011 4:01pm

@Curly: Thank you Curly. I shot in shutter priority with at least plus 1 1/2 EV.

Marie LC from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Your explanations are very interesting and this small charming bird

8 Feb 2011 4:33pm

@Marie LC: I'm glad you appreciate them, Marie. I enjoy writing them.

Richard Geven from Montferland, Netherlands

What a fantastic shot this is Julie!! A lovely bird in the snow with beautiful light and a great point of view!! Great work!!

8 Feb 2011 5:08pm

@Richard Geven: Thank you Richard.

philip earl from Oregon, United States

i think we have these little guys and gals around here .. they dont seem to mind the cold winters ...
Beautiful Photograph of this birdie Julie ~~

8 Feb 2011 6:45pm

@philip earl: Thank you Philip. They are in Oregon, and all across the US.

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

This lovely lady looks as if she is standing on a cloud! Wonderful job with the fluffy snow, Julie! And even in the female "toned-down" colors, this "Brown-Eyed Girl" (profs to Van Morrison) is beautiful! I like the classic pose too...really cool. She looks extremely alert! But I don't have to talk to you about being alert...that's one of the reasons why your images are always so doggone perfect! This is really beautiful!

8 Feb 2011 8:06pm

@Denny Jump Photo: Thank you for another wonderful comment, Denny. By the way, that song is one of my all-time favorites!

Loner from Wörgl, Austria

You are a real artist! This pretty bird in the snow! The right exposure in the white snow is a challenge over and over again!

8 Feb 2011 8:25pm

@Loner: Thank you for that wonderful compliment, Sonja. I think I am learning how to shoot in the snow!

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Amazes me how well they get by in these tough conditions . . such a sweet shot here.

8 Feb 2011 10:42pm

@Ronnie 2¢: They actually do quite well in the snow, especially in the sunshine. Thank you Ronnie.

mimicy from Bordeaux, France

Il est magnifique ... et la photo est superbe ... compliments pour cette très belle réalisation

8 Feb 2011 11:23pm

@mimicy: Thank you!

Mary from PA, United States

A 5 star image Julie!! She is gorgeous.

8 Feb 2011 11:37pm

@Mary: Thank you Mary. I really appreciate that.

Céline from New York City, United States

Very cute capture !
To have more than one link, the idea is to write [ url = address you want to direct people to (http://juliebrown.aminus3.com/portfolio/ for example) ] name of your link [ /url ]
If I write that without spaces, it becomes name of your link and you can do that as many times you want ! If you need more help, email me using the "contact" page on my photoblog !

9 Feb 2011 3:29am

@Céline: Thank you Celine. I am trying to follow your instructions on setting multiple links but I can't seem to make it work. I will send you a message with more detail on the problems I am running into.

Sunder from Chennai, India

Wonderful shot! Love the background...

9 Feb 2011 3:29am

@Sunder: I like the snow too. Thank you for the comment.

Bill Brown from California, United States

Gorgeous little lass! She really stands out against the snow background.

9 Feb 2011 4:00am

@Bill Brown: Thanks Bill. This is actually the first time I have really noticed a female junco. Why I like taking pictures is that a photo allows me to examine the features of the birds in detail.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/1600 second
ISO 200
420 mm
