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Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 1 July 2011 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

2011 California Birds Series
Oakland, California 6/16/11

This image was taken in Barbara Lee's wonderful backyard. The hummingbird is perched here, near a flowering tree that it had been nectaring on. Barbara told me this was an Anna's hummingbird, which is another new species for me. The image has a number of problems, mainly due to shooting into the sun. This might be a male, but the throat is in shadow, so the brilliant color of the gorget is not evident. I am disappointed in the image quality, but it was fun to watch.

This is a western bird commonly found in cities and suburbs. The species has expanded its range northward from southern California since the early 20th century, due to the planting of exotic flowering trees.


Canon EOS 5D Mark II 1/500 second F/8.0 ISO 2000 600 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

Phil David Morris 2011 from Saskatoon, Toronto, Canada

This bird is just precious, so very beautiful, I envy you seeing these wonderful
birds, seems I only see robins, crows, or pigeons !

1 Jul 2011 5:29am

@Phil David Morris 2011: Thanks Phil. If you go to a park or out in the country, you might see more of a variety of birds.

Dexter Chee from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Nice nice!

1 Jul 2011 6:27am

@Dexter Chee: Thank you Dexter.

CElliottUK from Reading, United Kingdom

Anna must have been very pleased!

1 Jul 2011 7:33am

@CElliottUK: How could she not?

Barbara Kile from Ft. Worth, United States

Love your perspective and comp on this one. So fun that you and Barbara got to hang out together!

1 Jul 2011 1:47pm

@Barbara Kile: Yes, it was fun. We really had a good time together.

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

It may not be up to your high standards, but it looks really good to me, especially for a hummingbird. They are so interesting and cute.

1 Jul 2011 1:57pm

@B. Thomas: Thanks Barbara. I'm always happy to photograph new species, so I guess I'm not that disappointed!

Barbara Lee from Oakland, United States

Julie, I think you did yourself proud in spite of the light! That light was so bright - I am amazed that you got this! That lens of yours is something else - I never realized that the aubelia bush had those berries! They are tiny, just like the bird. I will have to go out and take a closer look! I am happy that you are now posting your California birds - I look forward to the coming days. You have such consistently good material! I am swamped thinking about and preparing for my art fair show in Sept. We leave on our trek in 3 weeks and there is much to do before then! So do not expect much from me here until I get to Paris!

1 Jul 2011 3:27pm

@Barbara Lee: Hi Barbara. I'm glad you like this. The light was challenging but it was so enjoyable to see these cute hummingbirds hanging out in your garden. Check back when you can to see the California birds-I know that you have a lot to do before you go on your trip. The summer will be over before we know it!

Twojays from Southwest Montana, United States

No criticism here! And I like the big tree balls he's eyeballing. Another cute and so rare close up of our winged friends.

1 Jul 2011 3:39pm

@Twojays: Glad you like it, Joyce.

Loner from Wörgl, Austria

So sweet little guy and a very nice shot of it !

1 Jul 2011 5:06pm

@Loner: Thank you so much, Sonja.

Tede from Aubenas 07, France

Wonderful image of the hummingbird, I had never seen so close!! Nice day.

1 Jul 2011 5:11pm

@Tede: Thank you Tede.

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Beautiful Hummingbird. Excellent photo.

1 Jul 2011 7:48pm

@Ana Lúcia: I appreciate that, thank you.

Jason Politte from Conway, AR, United States

Fantastic shot! I just love all the details in his little feathers. So, you guys other hummingbirds besides Ruby-Throated??

1 Jul 2011 9:00pm

Jason Politte from Conway, AR, United States

Ah, I see that was shot in California. I get it now. LOL

1 Jul 2011 9:01pm

@Jason Politte: Good you saw that, Jason. Ruby-throats only east of the Mississippi.

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

I have truly been waiting for this, Julie! And, while this one may disappoint you (and I understand why because I "know" you) this is why we admire you so - In your work and in your personality. This post shows us details of a beautiful bird without some colors. But from that fact, coupled with your words, we know that the door is opened and now you and we are determined to pursue further knowledge about a subject at hand, in this case, the hummingbird here. This is why you are a teacher, as well. Not only a teacher of sciences to students at school, but a teacher to all of us as well. The examples you set and the words you provide move us to wanting to learn more. That's what your work does for me - I am awestruck by your talent and heart. I am encouraged by the standards you set for yourself and I try to empoly them myself (I usually fail) ...I am sure that everyone else feels the same way. Thank you for sharing these images with us Julie. I am SO looking forward to the next and the next and the next.....Have a great weekend Ms B! a

1 Jul 2011 10:42pm

@Denny Jump Photo: Wow, Denny, that is such a compliment. Thank you so much. I appreciate all of your kind words.

Jackie from Montréal, Canada

What a beautiful bird! And it is a joy to see them mate.

1 Jul 2011 11:58pm

@Jackie: Oh that would be fun-I have never seen that!

Sam from Chennai, India

Wonderful image of the hummingbird. Love the details. Excellent :)

2 Jul 2011 2:55am

@Sam: Thank you so much, Sam.

Jason Politte from Conway, AR, United States

East of the Mississippi? We get loads of them in Arkansas.

3 Jul 2011 3:07am

@Jason Politte: Sorry about that Jason. I meant that Ruby-throats are the only hummingbird that is a breeding resident east of the Mississippi. Other hummers in the east would probably be migrating through or strays.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/500 second
ISO 2000
600 mm
