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Osprey in nest

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 4 September 2011 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

Maine July 2011 Series
Maine Audubon Camp
Bremen, Maine 7/14/11

There was an osprey nesting platform in camp, with a camera feed on the nest with one chick, that we could watch in the dining hall. The osprey parent could be seen and heard often as it flew back and forth from the ocean. I got this shot on the first afternoon as the bird was looking over the edge of the nest.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II 1/1000 second F/8.0 ISO 1000 600 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

Loner from Wörgl, Austria

A very nice bird - and an interesting shot of it. How far was this nest removed from you?

4 Sep 2011 5:34am

CElliottUK from Reading, United Kingdom


4 Sep 2011 8:00am

ursulakatariina from Greenock, United Kingdom

Wonderful! Great big, round eyes.

4 Sep 2011 8:19am

Marie LC from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Wow ! funny attitude. I like his curious eyes

4 Sep 2011 9:38am

Shaahin Bahremand from Tehran, Iran

wow ! it seems that he is waiting to attack !

4 Sep 2011 10:19am

Twojays from South Central Montana, United States

Look at those eyes! No wonder they are such good fishers. This image is not like the other tweeters and cuties that you have posted. Very wild and respect-provoking. Looking forward to more.

4 Sep 2011 1:31pm

Ellebelle from Medemblik, Netherlands

Wow!!! Nice catch!
Love the eyes ..............

4 Sep 2011 1:39pm

Barbara Kile from Ft. Worth, United States

'Get that lens out of here! I'm not dressed yet!' lol. What a face!

4 Sep 2011 3:35pm

@Barbara Kile: You always have creative ideas for captions, Barbara!

Sam from Chennai, India

Stunning. Great capture. Very powerful. :)

4 Sep 2011 4:01pm

Elora from Genoa, Italy

She looks surprised... great shot!!

4 Sep 2011 4:58pm

Richard Geven from Didam, Netherlands

The eyes are realy amazing Julie!!

4 Sep 2011 6:09pm

@Richard Geven: They are! Thank you for your comment, Richard.

Jackie from Montréal, Canada

Beautiful bird very impressive! It has big round eyes.

4 Sep 2011 10:34pm

@Jackie: The do have very big eyes-I think that makes them unique.

Anita from West Nottingham, Pennsylvania, United States

The bird looks rather concerned! As would I be if a bunch of people were watching my nest!

7 Sep 2011 12:07am

@Anita: The nesting platform was between the buildings, but it was pretty high up. We walked past it every time we went to the dining hall, so the bird was used to being looked at.

Andrea from Regina, Canada

Ha ha. It looks a little shocked at your peeping!

8 Sep 2011 7:05pm

@Andrea: It does, but many people were looking, not just me!

This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.

Mouthing Off! by Julie L. Brown by Julie L. Brown, Photobirder

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/1000 second
ISO 1000
600 mm
