3E3D43 | 405373 | 567C49 | 7B8378 | 9096B6 | 92B37A | B7D5B3 | F2F5FC |
Gunnison National Forest, Washington Gulch Trailhead
Crested Butte, Colorado July 24, 2012
Colorado, July 2012 series
More light allowed a faster shutter speed for this shot. The streaked crown and nape, warm brown mantle, and blue-gray feathers are apparent in the look-back pose of this handsome young bird. It was necessary to crop this image tightly to eliminate distracting elements.
The Dark-eyed Junco breeds in Canada and winters in the US, but there are a number of areas in the American West (including Colorado) that host year-round populations. The field marks that identified this individual as a juvenile for me are the streaked gray head, rufous wings, and streaked white breast.
You can find species profiles, location reports, and random nature notes, as well as links to my favorite photographers and conservation websites on my new WordPress blog Indybirdphotographer.com .
I am also a contributor to the multi-author blog "Focusing On Wildlife" . Click here for links to my articles.
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This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.
@Anna de Vries: Thank you very much, Anna. Greetings to you as well.
@Dimitrios: Thank you Dimitrios!
@barry: Mine too. Thank,s Barry.
@Anita: Yes, I am happy with this one. Thanks for your comment, Anita.
This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.
North American Sparrows by Julie L. Brown by Julie L. Brown, Photobirder