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Canyon Wall and Sky, (iphone landscape)

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 9 March 2013 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.

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Riverside Walk entrance, Zion National Park
Springdale, Utah 10-15-12

Zion National Park 2012 series

Last October, I flew to Las Vegas, Nevada and drove up to Springdale, Utah to participate in a landscape photo workshop at Zion National Park . The very popular Riverside Walk is an easy 2 mile round trip along the Green River into Zion Canyon .

This iphone image was first processed in-camera with the HDR effect, then tweaked a bit in Adobe Lightroom 4. It shows one of the many exposed rock walls in the park. The presence of so much greenery is indicative of the availability of water in Zion Canyon. The Zion Canyon scenic drive ends here, where the sheer walls tower 3000 feet from the canyon floor. The parking area is empty because private cars are not allowed in this part of the park from April through October. Visitors board shuttle buses at the park entrance.

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Apple iPhone 4 1/950 second F/2.8 ISO 80 4 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

What a sensational color and sense of permanence here . . and someone made a fine choice of surface to the car lot, too !

9 Mar 2013 5:28am

@Ronnie 2¢: Thanks, Ronnie. Zion is a beautiful park-my time there was much to short. The roads are very attractive, and I remember the shuttle bus driver saying that the color was part of the park roads design. I found a NPS webpage that stated that they cover the asphalt roads with a combination of oil and red volcanic cinder chips.

Isidro from Barcelona, Spain

excelente color y texturas de estas impresionantes montañas,
que tengas un buen fin de semana!!

9 Mar 2013 6:01am

Shaahin Bahremand from Tehran, Iran

wow ! powerful shot

9 Mar 2013 8:25am

rick from brisbane, Australia

What! No Canyon Wrens? ha!ha! Beautiful scenery and makes me wish I was there.

9 Mar 2013 10:32am

@rick: Rick, the raven was the only bird I got in the park. I just did not have time to look for birds during the workshop. But in two weeks I will be in Northern Arizona for another workshop starting at the Grand Canyon, then Antelope Canyon, then Sedona! I will have some time for bird photography in the Sedona/Flagstaff area before and after the workshop. Hopefully I will see at least one Canyon Wren. :)

Aubélia from Kortrijk, Belgium

Beautiful view

9 Mar 2013 11:09am

Marie-Line from Lille, France

Impressive place!

9 Mar 2013 11:10am

jean pierre from paris, France

impressionnant !! les couleurs sont belles!!! amitié

9 Mar 2013 12:49pm

michel creze from le havre, France

Beau cadrage ,superbes couleurs ,bravo

Great composition, beautiful colors, bravo

9 Mar 2013 1:32pm

Denny Jump Photo from Easton, PA, United States

I just love that place....this is such a beautiful image! You must be getting excited for the Northern Arizona trip :-) I would be....Beautiful, Julie :-)

9 Mar 2013 2:25pm

@Denny Jump Photo: Thanks, Denny. I take it that you have been to Zion? When were you there? Yes, I am getting excited about my next adventure. But I would love to go back to Zion some day and spend some time wandering the trails, looking for birds, and just taking in the majestic beauty of the place. I loved how green it was! As you might guess, workshops do not give you much time for wandering when you have to travel to shoot sunrises and sunsets at various locations, as well as classroom sessions in the afternoon and group meals before and after. BTW, I was rather disappointed with my efforts during this workshop. I had problems with a new camera/lens combo, and just did not make very many good images. As you will see, a lot of the best ones were with my iphone!

CarineB from Paris, France

Great place , beautiful colors !!

9 Mar 2013 2:29pm

destani from mashhad, Iran

Wonderful and beautiful capture ! 5*****

9 Mar 2013 7:50pm

Mia McPherson from Salt Lake City, United States

Ah... the beautiful red rocks of southern Utah! I hope to be heading that way soon now that it is warming up.

Love how the Desert Varnish shows so well on the rock face of this image Julie.

9 Mar 2013 7:54pm

@Mia McPherson: Yes, the desert varnish really adds some nice texture to the rock face. I would love to visit Zion in the spring some day. Have a great time when you go! Speaking of red rock, I will be looking for birds and shooting landscapes in Sedona, Arizona in a couple of weeks!

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

Magnificent image - and from an iPhone!!!! Gorgeous light and colors.

9 Mar 2013 9:10pm

@Ruthiebear: Thanks, Ruthie. Sometimes the iphone really rocks, sometimes it doesn't.

john4jack from Corvallis, Oregon, United States

stunning textures and colors!!

9 Mar 2013 10:55pm

Jackie from Montréal, Canada

Wonderful image with very nice textures and colors!

10 Mar 2013 12:42am

DarkElf from Perth, Australia

amazing tones and excellent sharpness - the details are just superb! well taken!

10 Mar 2013 5:25am

@DarkElf: Thank you very much!

Alun from cheshire, United Kingdom

I have been looking forward to these, takes me back, I just love this place, we would stop at sol foods cafe for breakfast before going for walks, lovely shot, stunning colours

10 Mar 2013 8:19am

@Alun: I was quite taken with the place too, Alun. I long to go back soon. The workshop did not afford much time to walk and wander-except for the last day (more shots from the Riverside Walk to come). Despite my lens difficulties, I did manage to get some usable shots, so I hope you enjoy them as well.

L'angevine from Angers, France

intéressante roche

10 Mar 2013 8:56am

Apple iPhone 4
1/950 second
ISO 80
4 mm
