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South Rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
3-26-13 at 6:10am
Arizona Landscapes 2013 series Click here to view a larger version of this image.
At the end of March I went to Arizona for a landscape workshop led by Don Smith and Gary Hart. On our second day we went back to the South Rim to shoot the sunrise. Sometimes the blue light before sunrise is very pleasing, but not in the series of shots I got on this morning. The scene was covered with a very strong bluish haze, which is evident on the horizon (cropped to eliminate some of the featureless sky). To extract the colors you see here, I took a sample with the dropper in Lightroom to adjust the white balance. The temperature went from 6250 to 16250K, and the tint from -11 to +13. This image was made 14 minutes before official sunrise at 6:24am.
NEWEST POST: Spring Migration in Indiana, Part Two
ON MY WORDPRESS BLOG indybirdphotographer.com For species profiles, location reports, random nature notes, as well as links to my favorite photographers, nature bloggers, and conservation websites.
To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.
@Ronnie 2¢: thank you, Ronnie.
@Lai Chan See: Thank you very much!
@Jen: Thank you, Jen!
@DarkElf: I enjoy doing longer exposures for that very reason!
@B. Thomas: Thank you Barbara!
@Mhelene: Thank you!
@Tede: Thank you Tede!
@rick: Thanks, Rick. It is incredible, and nothing compares to the 3-D experience of actually being there. This was only my second visit, but this time I was there in the best light, which really makes all of the difference. What I enjoy from having a series of images is the opportunity to really examine the details of the location, as well as to share my experience with the aminus3 community.
@michel creze: Thank you very much, Michel!
@Ana Lúcia: Thank you, Ana. I appreciate that!
@LauraS: Thank you very much, Laura.
@Loner: Thank you, Sonja.
@saran: Thank you!
@Jeff: I really appreciate that, Jeff. Thank you!
@Eric C.: Thank you!
@Elaine Hancock: Thank you, Elaine.
@Anita Bower: Thank you, Anita. I love the colors before sunrise-it is definitely one of the best times to make images.