3E362B 5D5351 79756C 9F8962 A9AD60 CDBEA1 D4C17C E3E3E5

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Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), adult perched

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 29 June 2015 in Animal & Insect and Portfolio.

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©2010-2015 Julie L. Brown, All rights reserved

Edwin B. Forsythe
National Wildlife Refuge | New Jersey

One of my favorite little flycatchers, the Eastern Phoebe "is a plump songbird with a medium-length tail. It appears large-headed for a bird of its size. The head often appears flat on top, but phoebes sometimes raise the feathers up into a peak. Like most small flycatchers, they have short, thin bills used for catching insects."

I haven't been to that many, but I love to spend time at a national wildlife refuge. "The Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge protects more than 47,000 acres of southern New Jersey coastal habitats which is actively managed for migratory birds." There are more than 555 refuges in the system: "The National Wildlife Refuge System is a network of lands and waters managed specifically for the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat and represents the most comprehensive wildlife resource management program in the world. Units of the system stretch across the United States from northern Alaska to the Florida Keys, and include small islands in the Caribbean and South Pacific. The character of the refuges is as diverse as the nation itself."

In 2013 (October 6-12), I traveled to southern New Jersey for "Cape May Magic" an American Birding Association workshop conducted by Mark Garland and Pat & Clay Sutton . It was a wonderful week of birding and learning about birds, although it was rainy and very windy. The storm, a nor'easter (a cyclonic storm that moves along the east coast of North America. It’s called “nor’easter” because the winds over coastal areas blow from a northeasterly direction) , lasted most of the week. As a result, the conditions were generally very challenging for bird photography. Despite the weather, I enjoyed it so much that I spent another five days there in mid-October 2014. Due to its location at the end of a peninsula bordered by Delaware Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, Cape May , New Jersey is a migrant trap and one of the top birding destinations in North America.

CHECK OUT MY WORDPRESS BLOG Indybirdphotographer.wordpress.com For species profiles, location reports, random nature notes, as well as links to my favorite photographers, nature bloggers, and conservation websites. LATEST POST: Backyard Birdwatching: Immature

Canon EOS 7D 1/1600 second F/6.3 ISO 800 600 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

tataray from Charentes-Poitou, France

Excellente prise. Il est magnifique dans sa pose et son regard.
Un bokeh superbe.
De bonnes explications. 5*****. )

29 Jun 2015 5:47am

Focales from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

Perfect capture

29 Jun 2015 6:57am

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Such a sweet little flycatcher but not, I believe, so vocal as the European cousins.

29 Jun 2015 6:59am

Lai Chan See from Singapore, Singapore

Very beautifully done.

29 Jun 2015 8:14am

michel creze from le havre, France

Excellente capture de cet oiseau typiquement américain et bel arrière plan .

Excellent capture of this typically American bird and beautiful background.

29 Jun 2015 8:17am

omid from mashhad, Iran

very nice portrait!
such beautiful composition, focus, details, colors, lighting & bokeh!
L O V E L Y !!

29 Jun 2015 11:19am

Devi from Chennai, India

Yes..a pretty prominent head !!!! Lovely image July...perched there...

29 Jun 2015 3:11pm

Tim from Ft. Worth, United States

Nicely rendered :)

29 Jun 2015 4:14pm

jean pierre from paris, France

tres jolie rendu!!! amitiés

29 Jun 2015 6:33pm

Aigleloup from Rebecq, Belgium


29 Jun 2015 8:03pm

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

Amazing detail captured in this phoebe!! And your DoF really makes it stand out against its surroundings!

30 Jun 2015 12:31am

DarkElf from Perth, Australia

Excellent shot! Great focus and I like the overall tonality and exposure.

30 Jun 2015 2:26am

L'Angevine from Angers, France

magnifique ce quilui entoure aussi

30 Jun 2015 6:59am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Fantastic capture! Wow! Magnificent shot! The detail is superb!

30 Jun 2015 8:57am

Sonja from Wörgl, Austria

So sharp, nice and sweet !

30 Jun 2015 3:23pm

Dimitrios from ATHENS, Greece

LOVE IT*****

1 Jul 2015 12:13pm

Kent from Herrljunga, Sweden

A nice little bird. Good captured

4 Jul 2015 9:24am

Anita from West Nottingham, Pennsylvania, United States

A pleasing composition.

18 Aug 2015 10:26am

@Anita: Thanks! I love phoebes.

Canon EOS 7D
1/1600 second
ISO 800
600 mm
