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Photo Art: Below the Surface

Posted by
Julie L. Brown, Photobirder (Indianapolis, Indiana, United States) on 25 March 2016 in Landscape & Rural and Portfolio.

To obtain a non-commercial limited-use licensed digital copy (suitable for prints up to 11 x 14) of any of my images, click here to browse my website. Commercial licensing of my images is also available. Please email indybirdphotographer [AT] comcast [DOT] net to place your order. Upon receipt of payment via PayPal invoice, your purchased file(s) will be sent electronically to your specified email address.
©2010-2016 Julie L. Brown, All rights reserved

I have entered this image into a photo contest. If you would like to vote for me, click here then enter #93103088 into the search box. (You will have to enter your email address to complete the vote. The voting period is April 16-30). You may vote for me once per day during the voting period. Thank you!

Since I am now about two years behind in processing and posting images from my photobirding and landscape image-making trips, I have decided that in 2016 I was going to take a different approach. Many photographers periodically reflect on their work and at the end of 2015 I started to realize that it was time to get out of my rut. Instead of trying to post every image from an outing or trip, I am going to select images that I find most compelling, and talk about where, why, and how in my narratives. What I enjoy most about my immersion in photography is that every image represents a unique place in time for me, and there is a story to tell within and behind each subject and composition. Along with the motivation to take my craft up another level in the field, I have also spent some time trying to become faster and more proficient in my processing workflow, both in the programs that I use everyday (Lightroom and Photoshop), and in learning to use new ones (ON1 Photo 10 and Capture One Pro).

It has been over a month since my last post. There was a time when I managed to post everyday. The interactions and discussions with fellow aminus3 photographers has been enjoyable over the years, and I want to maintain these connections, but I now have less time to visit and comment on other blogs. However, my infrequent activity on this photoblog is for a number of reasons, mainly because my time has been spent doing more youth sports and pet photography. My post today is from a swim meet I shot in June, 2014 and is one of my favorite images. The swimmer was just about to come up for another breath, and the water's surface tension allowed his head to remain submerged as the bow wave surged over him.

The title represents my belief that photography is a wonderful combination of art and science . So, why do we make images? Is it a fascination with the gear-the technology, the process, or is it both a purposeful and serendipitous way of seeing and sharing our personal experiences? For me, it is all of that, and more. What is it for you?

CHECK OUT MY WORDPRESS BLOG Indybirdphotographer.wordpress.com For species profiles, location reports, random nature notes, as well as links to my favorite photographers, nature bloggers, and conservation websites. LATEST POST: Backyard Birdwatching: Immature Red-headed Woodpecker

Canon EOS 5D Mark III 1/800 second F/8.0 ISO 640 600 mm

To see my spotlight images, click here .
This photoblog is my nature journal and travelogue. Many of my wildlife images were made in environments impacted by humans. My goal is to feature each animal in a way that allows the viewer to sense the essence of its life in the wild. The purpose of the accompanying narratives is to enhance awareness and appreciation of our natural world, as well as to inspire everyone to protect and care for it.

Gérard from Marseille, France

In your animal gallery, a magnificent photo of frog!!!!

25 Mar 2016 6:17am

Focales from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France


25 Mar 2016 8:12am

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Delightfully different and entertaining image-moment here !

25 Mar 2016 8:29am

Anna Cherer from LA ROCHELLE, France

A fascinating photo !

25 Mar 2016 9:01am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Oh wow! This is a phenomenal shot.

25 Mar 2016 1:01pm

Tomek from PoznaƄ, Poland

Excellent capture.:-)

25 Mar 2016 1:20pm

Aigleloup from Rebecq, Belgium

Houaaaww, fantastique picture

25 Mar 2016 1:55pm

Devi from Chennai, India

I will your birds..and all that narration on the winged friends...

25 Mar 2016 3:53pm

@Devi: Don't worry Devi, I will never abandon my bird photography, but I have many images that do not feature birds. I will make it a practice to provide links to galleries on my website when I post bird images.

omid from mashhad, Iran


25 Mar 2016 7:33pm

L'Angevine from Angers, France

un cliché bien travaillé

26 Mar 2016 8:39am

jean pierre a from France

splendide réalisation!! amitiés

26 Mar 2016 9:03am

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

This was a surprise. Great image.

27 Mar 2016 7:44am

Anita Bower from West Nottingham, PA, United States

Hi, Julie:
I'm catching up with you and was delighted to read about your new approach to posting and the questions you ask.
First, I love this photo! It captures the fluid motion of the swimmer, as well as the feel of the water. It tells us that a swimmer is inextricably part of the water. Great lines and composition.
Second, you have posed a question I have asked myself: why do we take photos? I am not interested in the gear, and find it merely a tool for reaching my goal. (I am currently frustrated with my gear and will write you separately about that.) On the other hand, I enjoy working with post-processing, so I suppose I value the software. I like photographing what I love and where I live. I like photographing what I'm familiar with. I do less well in new surroundings. I like adding my vision to the images through post processing, and love using textures. I seem to enjoy making my images look painterly, though that wasn't my goal. I also enjoy seeing my photos in print and framed. Sharing with others is important to me. I do so via my blog, flickr, etc., and via exhibitions in local galleries. I love having my framed photos on the walls of my house and seeing them every day.
Photography brings me joy.

14 Apr 2016 10:43am

@Anita Bower: Anita, thank you for your thoughtful comments on this image and for responding to my question. "Adding my vision to the images through post processing" strikes a chord with me. All of your work reflects this approach. As for the gear, I am interested to know what the source of your frustration is.

This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.

reflection 2016 by omid

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/800 second
ISO 640
600 mm
